Filter sets for checking the photometric linearity

according to Ph. Eur.

Article-No. Application Content certified wavelengths in nm
667S501 Checking the photometric linearity in the
UV range
3 filters with Niacin in HCl:
UV506, 6 mg/l (0.25 Abs)
UV512, 12 mg/l (0.5 Abs)
UV524, 24 mg/l (1.0 Abs)
UV599, Hydrochloric acid (HCl), reference filter
213, 261
667350 Checking the photometric linearity in the
UV range
4 filters with Niacin in HCl:
UV506, 6 mg/l (0.25 Abs)
UV512, 12 mg/l (0.5 Abs)
UV518, 18 mg/l (0.75 Abs)
UV524, 24 mg/l (1.0 Abs)
UV599, Hydrochloric acid (HCl), reference filter
213, 261
667307 Checking the photometric linearity in the
UV range
5 filters with Potassium dichromate in HClO4:
UV20, 20 mg/l (0.1 - 0.3 Abs)
UV40, 40 mg/l (0.2 - 0.6 Abs)
UV60, 60 mg/l (0.3 - 0.9 Abs)
UV80, 80 mg/l (0.4 - 1.2 Abs)
UV0100, 100 mg/l (0.5 - 1.5 Abs)
UV14, Perchloric acid (HClO4), reference filter
235, 257, 313, 350
666S006 Checking the photometric linearity in the
Vis range
3 Neutral density glass filters:
F2 (0.25 Abs)
F3 (0.5 Abs)
F4 (1.0 Abs)
F0, empty frame
440, 465, 546.1, 590, 635
666S200 Checking the photometric linearity in the
Vis range
3 Neutral density glass filters:
F2 (0.25 Abs)
F4 (1.0 Abs)
F203 (2.0 Abs)
440, 465, 546.1, 590, 635

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